Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy
“Bidden or Unbidden, God is Present.” Carl Jung
Acknowledging that your life is not working and that you want to reach out for help can be very scary. It is a risk to ask for help. It is essential that you pick someone you feel safe and can grow to trust.
The reason for hiring me, is that it is not scary to me! I have seen over and over again lives transformed. I have experienced it myself in my own healing journey. I have been right where you are…
To me, this journey you are about to embark on is exciting.
I already see you healed and at peace.
When we begin our healing journeys all we see is what is missing, what is hurting, what is broken. Too often we ask ourselves, “What is wrong with me?” The more accurate question is, “What happen to me and what experience to I need to heal those wounds?”
The journey of trauma informed, spiritually integrated psychotherapy is the healing.

My job is to hold the vision of where you want to go, where Life is calling you to go – not repeating where you have been or where you are currently. Holding that vision FOR YOU until you heal into it and can hold it for yourself.
I am committed to helping people draw on their spiritual values and insights in the process of growth and change.
Over the years, I have worked with people of many faiths and no “faith”: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto – and those who consider themselves “Spiritual but not Religious”, and everyone in between.
I often work with Christians who are wondering what being a Christian really means and whether or not there is any relevance to that phrase in today’s world.
For those who call Jesus either Guru or Lord, we explore Jesus’ invitation to grow up. To grow in Faith means that we are called to help usher in Heaven on Earth by loving God, Neighbor, and Self (Rabbi Jesus most important instruction). We do this by first discerning, with Spirit’s help areas of strength and areas that need to stretch and grow.
You may have been helped by your faith, wounded by your faith, or questioning your faith. Wherever you are at this point in your life, the God of perfect LOVE is already there.
There is peace on the other side of the chaos.

Who Chooses Trauma Informed – Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy?
Often people feel that knowing the therapist respects their faith journey and are trained to help with the “questions of meaning,” is very important to them.
One of my clients who does not consider herself religious or spiritual just likes the “something different” she experiences with integrative psychotherapy.
Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy can be an extension of the care of the soul that is found in your faith community. Offering a confidential place apart from the people you know, so that you can speak freely and find ongoing support.
One of my clergy clients says he needs someone to listen to him once a week, so that he may be more available for those in need.
A November 2000 survey found that 83 percent of Americans feel their spiritual faith and religious beliefs are closely tied to their state of mental health. It is important, 75 percent say, to see a professional counselor who integrates their values and beliefs into the counseling process. And 69 percent say that, when confronted with a personal problem and needing counseling or psychotherapy, they would prefer a therapist who represented spiritual values and beliefs.
The Washington Post, December, 2005 stated that many high profile figures who find themselves in trouble hire a Pastoral Counselor when they need help, because they feel it avoids the stigma attached to mental illness.
The mind, the body, and the spirit are essential for healing. Why settle for the mind and body only when a pastoral counselor is trained holistically to work with your Spirit as well ?
Go to Teaching page to learn more about the Spiritual Direction embedded in Spiritually Integrated Psycthotherapy.